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Building Your Digital Brand

Author: Renee Cerullo/Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Event date: 11/2/2016 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Export event

"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire." This is Jessica’s favorite quote, and the mantra that drives her in the pursuit of building her business and her personal brand. As owner of We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym, Jessica and her husband have brought this sensory based resource to the Buffalo community. Jessica kept hearing the same message over and over again; “There is nothing (readily) available for my child”. Jessica began a journey to change this. She and her husband, Jeff, have worked with children with special needs for more than a decade. In that time, they have always felt a strong desire to better provide the resources that parents were seeking to meet their child’s individual’s needs. Come and learn how Jessica utilized social media to tell the story, not of one specific child, but rather, a story of many children with special needs and to build her business and brand along the way. 

We Rock the Spectrum Kids GymWith Jessica’s dream becoming a reality, came significant learning curves in order to get the business off the ground. Jessica quickly went from not even being on Facebook or any other forms of Social Media to where she is today; constantly connected to her audience through various social media platforms. Come learn about her experience building a digital brand for her business, We Rock the Spectrum – Buffalo.

Jessica is has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Mass Communications from St. Bonaventure university and a Masters in Communication Disorders, Sciences and Services from SUNY Fredonia.

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