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Cindi McEachon - March 2016 Women in Leadership Honoree

Author: Renee Cerullo/Saturday, March 19, 2016

March 2016 Honoree

CindiCindi McEachon
Peaceprints of WNY, Executive Director

Cindi McEachon holds a special place in Western New York: she is the executive director of Peaceprints of WNY. Peaceprints of WNY has a haunted history – it was founded by the late Sister Karen Klimczak, SSJ in 1985 with the opening of HOPE House (a Home Of Positive Experience) on Sycamore Street in Buffalo. In 1987, after the murder of Father Joe Bissonette, Sister Karen moved Hope House to 335 Grider Street, the rectory of St. Bartholomew church, and renamed the facility Bissonette House, to pay homage to the slain father. At that time the house served nine men. Tragically, on April 14, 2006 Sister Karen was murdered. In the wake of her death the “I Leave Peaceprints” dove movement was launched. Over the last decade the organization has grown to include two facilities, servicing 35 residents at one time. As well, the in-reach programming reaches more than 1,000 unique individuals each year.

Peaceprints of WNY provides comprehensive reentry services to men and women involved in the criminal justice system in Erie and Monroe Counties. Specific services include: nin in-prison support groups; two community support groups; Phase three reentry workshops; as well as transitional and supportive housing options. provides reentry services to Erie and Monroe Counties.

The organization started with no paid employees, Sister Karen and her team of volunteers were the breath of the organization. Today they have four full-time and seven part-time staff as well as 30 committed volunteers. 

Cindi says, “I truly feel like we, as an organization, overcome challenges every day. The men we serve in our transitional housing are not considered a priority to our community. In fact, most often additional barriers are encountered by our folks preventing them from accessing safe, affordable and much needed services (employment, housing, education) that are most certainly needed in order to have success. Each time we connect an individual with a needed service, acquire a new volunteer, donor or community supporter I count that as an overwhelming win.”

Cindi was a 2015 Women Who Move the City honoree, ATHENA Young Professional finalist in March 2016 and is a Leadership Buffalo Class of 2016 member. She is a committee member of Women on the Rise; Junior League of Buffalo member; Community Council, director of Community Impact, director of Research & Development, and serves on the Small Grants Committee. She serves on the United Way Agency Executive Association Marketing Committee and is a director on the Homespace Corp. Board of Director. she is also a director on the board of For Our Daughters, Inc. and acts as a Girls on the Run coach for P.S. 43, Westminster Community Charter.

A truly well-deserved recognition!!


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