“May Member Month” is for YOU, BNC’er! After two years-plus of virtual meetings we want to hear from you – what are YOUR thoughts on these questions (and more!)
- What direction should our chapter be heading?
- What kind of meetings do YOU want to see going forward? In person? Virtual?
- Should we continue the format of speaker with dinner? Just a speaker?
- Or would you prefer educational? Networking? Casual gatherings? Or a format where everyone can speak their mind on issues for women today?
- We’d love suggestions on restaurants or venues for future in-person meetings, too :)
BNC is YOUR chapter and we want it to reflect your concerns, issues, ideas, and – well – YOU!
Our roundtables will allow you to share YOUR ideas and ambitions for BNC! This in-person meeting will be moderated so everyone can give their input.
Starting with our February meeting and continuing until May, we’re holding a RAFFLE FOR $200 IN GIFT ERTIFICATES to WOMEN-OWNED LOCAL BUSINESSES! Everytime you attend a virtual or in-person BNC meeting you’ll be entered into our raffle. The drawing will be held at our June 1st meeting at the Park Country Club. (Must be in attendance at June meeting to win.)
Time: 5:30PM registration/6:00pm dinner
Cost: $40 member/$45 non member
Location: Grapevine Restaurant, 2545 Niagara Falls Blvd, Amherst, NY
Registration prior to the meeting is required due to COVID restrictions and counts needing to be in prior to the event. No walkins or paying at the door. We ask that you please pay by credit card. You do not need to have a PayPal acount to pay by credit card. Just check out as a guest. If you are paying by check the check must be received prior to the meeting date.
Registration is CLOSED